Sunday, February 10, 2013

i have no pants

I want to send a quick shout out to Turiya.  The other day I was struggling a little with the idea of blogging again and she encouraged and helped me.  I was worried I didn't have anything of importance to say, and I expressed concern over not really fitting into any label.  She reminded me that blogging is firstly for yourself.  It's hard for me to think of blogging in that way, about it being for myself, because I could do the same thing in a private journal.  Blogging is public.  We put it out for others to read.  I'm not going to lie, I want others to read and comment just as I read and comment on other blogs. But she is right, I shouldn't blog if I'm not blogging for myself first and foremost.

She also reminded me that this thing we do is always so different for everyone, I don't need a label.  And she encouraged me by telling me that people are searching for real life examples of couples with kids that live a power exchange dynamic 24/7.  Then, after I decided I did want to re-enter this blog world, she helped me find the right names to use, and the right blog title.  Giving her full credit, she came up with Vincent for my husband (which he likes, and approved), and she came up with Peacefully Conquered.  Lastly, she introduced my blog on her own blog, which was so sweet. So, thanks again my friend!


And now I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately.  It's actually expressed in a phrase above, "power exchange dynamic 24/7".  That sounds really intense.  Do you know what I picture when I see a phrase like that?  A sub who spends her days wearing a collar, possibly naked if there aren't kids around, and the Dom is always dominant.  She must ask for permission to sit, to speak, to eat, to do anything. There is no relaxing into every day life in that picture.  It's a complete fantasy for, well most likely everyone who has little kids at least, but I don't know that for sure.  I don't see how it's practical, or possible, but it might be for some and I applaud them for being able to make something like that work. There is nothing wrong with that sort of dynamic for certain, I just want to be clear about that, in case I wasn't.

For us, a 24/7 power exchange dynamic is mostly expressed in playful antics, teasing comments, and stolen moments.  There were several of these moments sprinkled throughout our day yesterday.  Vincent teasing me about needing a spanking when I was being overly defensive this morning.  A little bit of dominance in the kitchen when he pushed me against the wall, kissing and touching me in the afternoon. A quick, light swat on my bottom with a wooden spoon.  Some fun wrestling in the evening when he teased me about how I have to do as he says because he has the authority.  (I smiled and teased him back saying that I reject his authority and he promptly informed me that if that was the case I didn't get to wear clothes.  "We'll see who the authority is in this house then," he said.  We wrestled a bit, playfully, as he tried to take my jeans off and I tried to keep them on.  Finally I gave in and admitted he held the authority.  Though I teased him exactly the same way a few minutes later and ended up without pants.)

Most of the time it's a bunch of little things that are so embedded in who we are as a couple that I don't even notice them.  It doesn't take effort to do these things.  It's natural, it's fun, it's us just living life.  That is our 24/7 power exchange most of the time, and it is not intense, nor anything like the picture in my head.  I love our little moments, our wrestling, our playful antics, our stolen kisses (and more) in the kitchen.

There is more to the power exchange, certainly, and though he doesn't really punish me there have been occasions where I've been sent to our room to calm down, think, return to a submissive attitude before seeking him out and apologizing.  I'll save the details of those things until a later time.   For now just laugh with me because I was crazy enough to yell, "I reject your authority!" and got my pants stolen because of it.


  1. Welcome to blogging, again! I've started a blog, too, and I'd love to have you follow me.


    1. Welcome to my blog Hannah! I'm so pleased to have you here. I will most certainly go check out your blog too.

  2. Hannah again...I can't figure out how to follow your blog. Could you add a followers link or tell me how to follow you?


    1. There is a follow by e-mail spot over on the right hand sidebar, underneath the about me blurb. I'm still in the midst of getting everything set up exactly how I want it and will add other ways of following me too.

  3. Awe, now I'm blushing. And you're welcome! I was glad to help. :-D

    And yeah, I think it's funny how you goad him. You know, one of these days he's going to end up taking more than your pants! And I'll probably end up cheering him on! Lol



    1. Perhaps I need to write about the times he has taken more than my pants. Regardless of what he does to get back at me for goading him, I love it, and we both have so much fun! :)
